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The story goes that this cooking thing is getting all my friends in Oxford. So yesterday i was with a couple of guys from University and we were around the fish stand at the Cover Market and we saw these beautiful wild sea bass and we couldn't resist...so there you go!
What we did was very simple: we placed the sea bass on a foil and marinated with a sauce composed of parsley, garlic, white wine and lemon juice.
Meanwhile we cut some tomatoes, olives and mix everything with capers adding oil olive and salt. Place then the mix around and inside the fish.

Now you close the foil paying attention at closing it tight (add some extra foil if it is not wide enough). Then place the fish in a preheated oven for 1/2 hr at 200 C.

Thats it my friends! This is the result. Enjoy another tasteful recipe from your favourite blog!

PS: A thanks goes to my friend Andy who was the main director of what you have seen! Thank you Andy from the Blog.
The story goes that this cooking thing is getting all my friends in Oxford. So yesterday i was with a couple of guys from University and we were around the fish stand at the Cover Market and we saw these beautiful wild sea bass and we couldn't resist...so there you go!
What we did was very simple: we placed the sea bass on a foil and marinated with a sauce composed of parsley, garlic, white wine and lemon juice.
Meanwhile we cut some tomatoes, olives and mix everything with capers adding oil olive and salt. Place then the mix around and inside the fish.

Now you close the foil paying attention at closing it tight (add some extra foil if it is not wide enough). Then place the fish in a preheated oven for 1/2 hr at 200 C.

Thats it my friends! This is the result. Enjoy another tasteful recipe from your favourite blog!

PS: A thanks goes to my friend Andy who was the main director of what you have seen! Thank you Andy from the Blog.
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