Ok...I am in charge for the last part of the supper. Last week Marco did an exellent dessert compose of vanilla ice cream, ginger cookies crushed and mandarin. It was good...so I need to innovate, I was looking for something different than the usual dessert shown and done by the majority of young man!
I wanted something D I F F E R E N T! I had an exellent souvenir of a three stars restaurant in Brussels (la villa lorraine). It was good challenge. Usually majority of people are quite reluctant for this dessert. But I think that's a good challenge.
To find this recipe, I have been visiting the BBC food website. It is amazing the amount of recipe listed on this website. I have found different recipe for different flavour. My choice was a Banana souffle. I choosed this one, due to a good explanation on the website.
The recipe is quite simple. The secret, on how to succeed this dished, is in the white egg. I was totaly unlucky! I was not in possession of a food processor or a machine that can help me to create white egg. Just a simple whisk!!!

Raising 6 white eggs require time and a lot of E N E R G Y! Hopefully my mates helped me, otherwise...no souffle !!!
Clement and Marco cooked a delicious pork on the oven...i took the benefit to keep the oven warm for the souffle. The recipe require eight to nine minutes to cook the souffle.
Once the white eggs were raised I add the mixture into the ramekin and direclty I have put them in the oven.
The result was quite satisfying for the first try. I would advise to be carefull on the cooking time, because inside the souffle should be wet.
I like banana but other fruit as peach or peer could bring more fresheness at the end of this delicious meal.
I was satisfied for this first try, but I think I can do better the next time !